About Us
Business Landscape
The Malaysian industries are making every effort to strengthen its presence in the global marketplace. This is seen from the Government full attention in a total transformation program in developing high income societies and shall be a critical success factor towards developing the economic growth and self-sustainability. ALAF on the other hand, marked this vision by exploring opportunities abroad and leverage the wealth for the rest of population regionally.
As Malaysia aims to be an established industrial nation by supporting all the local efforts to grow SMEs and highly potential company to grow regionally and globally. ALAF already one step ahead in taking this challenges by taking the Malaysia government challenges to the next level.
ALAF has taken a significant efforts to look into all the possible areas to improve and grow organically as well as through Technology & Collaboration within the tight business envelope regionally, started with humble beginning in early 2004.

Now ALAF is looking at establishing a regional office in various part of the region. By identifying the areas of interest, ALAF is poised to be engaged on the starting grid position, as well as to the industry growth and bring social well-being, not only for Malaysia, but also for the other opportunity globally.
Setting up our entities abroad are the first few steps in our efforts to offer products and services internationally. Collaboration opportunities in Europe, Russia, Australasia and the Middle-east is in the pipeline and planned starting Y2019 to Y2030.
Reach For The Skies
ALAF aims to be an established regional air mobility company in ASEAN by 2030 while staying parallel with the regional economic development in line with global modernization.
Smart Partnership